CARY, N.C. - USA Baseball announced today that the 14U Cup, which was scheduled for July 24-26 at its National Training Complex in Cary, North Carolina, has been cancelled due to the continued spread of COVID-19 across the United States. This event will not be rescheduled.
The organization announced a modified event schedule in May but continues to monitor the ongoing situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic daily, diligently evaluating the status of its events.
At this time, the 2020 National Team Championships North Carolina (July 27-August 16) and the 10U Futures Invitational (August 6-9) are scheduled to take place at the National Training Complex in Cary, North Carolina.
Decisions surrounding hosting those events will be made in as timely of a manner as possible with respect to the safety and well-being of all the participating athletes, coaches and fans.
Further information on all of the USA Baseball updates relating to COVID-19 can be found here.